All the latest news about Conor Kostick, author of the books Epic and Saga.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Tony Sahara Edda wallpaper pictures

Tony Sahara currently has this fantastic picture from the Edda cover as the background to his home page.

Updated to add: You can download Edda Wallpapers from Tony's site!

French translation of Epic coming

A French translation of Epic by Danièle Laruelle is to be published by Bayard Jeunesse. As you can see the art for the cover is stylish and different to previous covers.

Conor Kostick Fan Fiction

There are two impressive short pieces of Conor Kostick fan fiction set in the world of Epic over at For those who wonder about how authors feel about fanfic I recommend this piece by Charles Stross.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Conor Kostick is looking for a title for the Epic, Saga, Edda series

Conor Kostick writes

Calling all readers of this blog! My publishers want a good title for the Epic, Saga, Edda series. It is quite a challenge to find the right phrase. The Cindella Dragonslayer Trilogy is a bit long and perhaps misleading as although Epic and Edda have a lot of fantasy, Saga has hardly any. The Cyber Worlds Trilogy sounds a bit dated, while the Cloud Wars Trilogy is perhaps a bit cryptic. Avatar Chronicles is good and perhaps the front runner, but a bit too similar to the film Avatar. Multiverse Trilogy isn't bad but other authors, most notably Michael Moorcock, have already written books in a multiverse series. So does anyone have any good suggestions? I'd be very glad to hear them and I'll send a signed copy of the first run of Edda to you as well as my thanks if we use your idea.
If you have ideas then please leave a comment!

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This blog is not written by Conor Kostick. It is owned and operated by Andrew Sherman. Please send comments, questions and suggestions to andrew <dot> sherman <at> gmail <dot> com